Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homeschooling Hermit


It's been awhile. Two years. I guess that is a testament to the busy life I have and the lack of desire and time to write. But I've come to the realization that I NEED this. So I am really going to try to make a better effort to blog more often, even if no one ever reads this.

There is no way I could possibly fill in the past two years, so I will put it in a neat, tidy, little package. Asilyn graduated Pre-K, flew through Kindergarten and is now finishing up her 1st grade year. Kailyn got the exact same teachers Asilyn had for Pre-K, graduated and is now finishing up her Kindergarten year (with Asilyn's same teachers she had for Kindergarten as well). Justin flew through his 3rd and 4th grade years at Stepping Stones when we came to the realization that they had offered him all they had and for him to effectively move forward, it was time for a change. My heart couldn't sync with the idea of him returning to public school, nor private school really. And so we made the decision to homeschool. I was a nervous wreck, but here we are, nearly done and I have so thoroughly enjoyed it that I have decided to homeschool the girls too, later this fall. Maybe I can make a blog in the next week or so about how I'm trying to accomplish that task without too many new gray hairs.

So there is the nutshell of what my life, I feel, has been revolved around the past 2 years. I get up every morning, I take 10 minutes to get myself ready and then get the kiddos up so that they can get ready as well. While they are getting themselves dressed, teeth brushed, hair gleaming, I am making my daughters their breakfast. Then we are off to school, I drop the girls off at their local elementary school and Justin and I head back to our classroom at home. (Which, by the way, I love. I'll make a blog about our classroom one day, with pictures). After our breakfast, we get straight to work and are usually in school (with a break or two in between) until lunchtime, and if we haven't finished all the lessons for the day we are back to the classroom after lunch. If we have completed the day's work, then we enjoy some outside time for exercise and some relax time before getting the girls from school. And that, my friends, is when life as I know it becomes chaotic. (I say that with a smile).  

I love having conversations with my children. They are so smart, and so innocent, and so refreshing. I don't have to impress them with my worldly knowledge. They just automatically think I'm amazing. They make me laugh every day of my life, and they keep me young. Why, just yesterday, we put on some spy kid gear, with these laser guns and ran around the house for an hour shooting each other, dodging laser beams, and hiding for ambush attacks. Amazing good fun.

But, there is a part of me, the adult part of me, that longs for interaction with peers. Playing kid games and having kid-level discussions and teaching kid-level lessons all fulfill me in a way, but never fully. It's the job I chose, yes. To be a sacrificial mother, literally giving my life for my children's, giving up any chance of having a job and friend dates and my own education for my children. Every time I make a new friend (which is rare, because really, it's not easy making friends in the local supermarket), and I think, finally, another stay at home mom, one that will be there and be available during the day, that friend gets a job. It's almost comical really.

Maybe I should start advertising to the unemployed women of my community. "Need a job? Befriend me, and you'll have one in 3.52 seconds!"

This should explain my sudden return to blogging. Hey, if I can't talk to actual adults out there in the real world, I can at least pretend I am. And I should point out that this is not to say that I have no friends. I don't want my friends to feel I am saying that at all! I know you are all busy. So am I. Probably too busy to actually have phone calls everyday. Doesn't change the desire to have them, but I know life gets in the way. So I have resorted to a blog release. I have plenty that goes on around here to fill a million pages. And that's just what I'll do. Hope you enjoy!
