Sunday, January 5, 2014

The man behind the curtain of "Growing up Unvaccinated"

I've seen several of my friends post the elusive "crunchy mother didn't vaccinate me-growing up unvaccinated" article put out by Voices for Vaccines. I've read it, and then read it again. There are so many huge question marks I have for this woman it's not even funny. But for the sake of making this post shorter, I just want to help clear the air about something I find most important about the whole thing. I started doing a little research on the "non-profit" "parent-led" organization, and I think it's important for all of you to know that by it's own admission, the organization is run by and relies on a team of 4 doctors, labeled "Scientific Advisory Board"- (the link is at the bottom, feel free to read this yourself) - doctors like Hinman (who runs the Task Force for Global health - a faction of CDC), Paul Offit (if you don't know this piece of work, you should... He is the Chief of the Division of Disease Control -aka CDC and currently sits in a 1.5 million dollar seat funded by pharmaceutical companies- stating ridiculous claims like "an infant could receive 10,000 vaccines in one day and be fine" while having his hand all in vaccine manufacturers pockets) & two other paid-for-by-pharmaceutical-manufacturers-doctors. The website Voices for Vaccines, being run by pharmaceutical ties, is anything BUT non-biased. Every single one of those doctors have everything to lose by saying anything damning against vaccines, and everything to gain by having a parent-led front to rally for their profited interests. Not a single one of them would ever admit any wrong doing or dangers of vaccines, nor would they allow that as the Advisory Board to be posted on that website. 

I for one would have red flags up on this one friends. You can expect that as a "salesman" they will say and do whatever they had to, to get those profits going in the other direction (since they all get paid for it) now that parents around the world are finally listening and doing research and choosing to not buy their products any longer! They are going to come out swinging, these reps who want their money, so be prepared for that and question everything. 

Just doing my civic duty. Research everything. And if it has direct ties to vaccines or those that mandate vaccines, I would be cautious about believing any of it. And think about this: in a world encapsulated in social media, what better way to elicit a response from questioning parents, or parents who have had no clue there was anything to research, than by hitting social media with the front of a parent led organization touting off the benefits of vaccinating? And what would these big league top notch scientists and doctors have to gain by being the advisory board to your everyday run of the mill mom blog? That just doesn't happen. Ever.
Until next time,