Thursday, January 3, 2013

This is Our Life

Hey All,

I know it has been another long while since my last post and I have once again dropped the ball on my blogging, but oh well. It is what it is when you're busy with life.

So we are about 1/2 a semester into school this year. Justin in 6th grade, Asilyn in 2nd, and Kailyn in 1st. Its been an adjustment to say the least. I knew early on last year that I felt led and had an intense desire to homeschool not only my special needs son, but also my two younger daughters. I am happy to say I stuck to that and we are in the throes of embracing homeschool life.

The first month or two was a huge adjustment. Learning how to manipulate each child's schedule to lend quality one on one time to teach those poignant areas that they couldn't otherwise learn on their own, while at the same time allotting the right amount of time on the computer so as to not disrupt another child's schedule but allows for enough time for him/her to complete her own online lesson. Creating an environment that feels like school, so that they will take their lessons and responsibilities seriously, while at the same time maintaining that nice flexibility that homeschooling lends. And of course battling the "I just want to be lazy because I'm at home" blues that we all seem to get at some point or another during that first couple months.

But we made it past those stressful months and we are still trekking through school. I admit to some concern as far as Justin as he is still on par with his classmates, curriculum-wise, which means he, as a special needs child, is doing a nuero-typical child's 6th grade work. Great! I'm sure you are thinking. Not so great. Justin's comprehension issues (auditory processing and reading comprehension) put him very low for his age, said to be at a 1% on the percentile range... it is truly amazing that he has made it this far. And with that type of disability, it makes it hard to read 60 page stories and write a 6 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting the main character's moral of the story to the moral of an 85 page story he read 2 weeks ago. Already confused? Imagine trying to decipher that with a mental comprehension disability. Needless to say, this means late nights with my man so he can get that much needed one on one that he has been used to in previous years and I can help explain things on his own mental level. And let me tell you, 6th grade isn't what it used to be folks. I find myself having to brush off the mental dust, google a few things, do a few practice problems before even thinking about trying to teach him. :)  **As a side note to this, we just received his scores for his midterm scantrons that assess where he is in comparison to the beginning of the year, including previous years scores as a graph to see how far he has come or where he needs more help. He has simply blown me and his online teacher away. Typically in the subject of reading he scores in the "At Risk" range, or lower. This time he scored less than 100 points away from being in the "Above Average-Advanced" range. Whoa. Maybe a good day? Fluke? Maybe he is actually getting it? Whatever it is, it brought tears to my eyes and I can only hope and pray that it's not a fluke and he is actually retaining some of the things he is reading now. That would be amazing and nothing short of some much needed answers to some heartfelt prayers.

My girls are learning so much, from Egyptians to Romans, to myths and emperors in the Ancient Era. Even French! Ju nu sais pas much but I'm working on it. :) They are really enjoying homeschool, and I have to say, though I had much trepidation in the beginning, I am too! I absolutely LOVE having my babies home with me everyday. I love seeing their brilliant minds expand and grasp new ideas. I love hearing them recall the things they are learning weeks later from learning it. I love seeing them grow and never missing a moment! It is simply amazing to me and I know that if we keep this up, I'm going to have some seriously intelligent children on my hands. And I'm not just saying that because they are mine... oh no, I'm learning so much and it's almost pathetic that I'm learning things from a 1st and 2nd grade curriculum. Ha! But to hear my little babies (and getting-big babies) using large words correctly instead of the typical small-word vocabulary is music to my ears! It makes me feel accomplished, more than any other feeling I have ever had!! I can't explain it, just knowing that I am responsible for the education they receive... and see it to fruition... its unreal.

Life on the home front can be somewhat monotonous, but definitely not as boring as it used to be. Having three very different, very boisterous children can ensure anything BUT boredom. I have yet to master a clean house with this job. Or have all the laundry done at any given time. I haven't found the perfect system to making this house run efficiently and effectively... yet. I'm trying. Every other month I come up with a new system or make changes to the old one to try and make it work so that I am not a haggard young mom who has to wait 4 days and until midnight to take the time to shower and shave. Having a system, keeping a system is the key to my mental sanity (and my husband's- who has done his fair share of walking into the house from work and rolling up his sleeves, and going elbow deep in a sink full of dishes- God Bless Him). But we are continuously trying.

This month's system consists of rules we all sat down and made together as a family. I figured if the kids could help us to come up with the rules, maybe they'd be less apt to disobey them? So far so good but we are only a few days outside of the official rule making so not a very good and accurate representation of how well this system will work with us. Some of our "new rules" are:

1.) Shower time every other day (unless its a particularly "dirty" day-lets face it, when you homeschool, there's not much germy madness the kiddos are immersed in, and the chances of a hot, sweaty day depends on weather really- so for now, every other day...)

2.)Thursday is our personal hygiene day (Shower always even if it's a "skip day" with a little help from mom to ensure deep down scrubbing, finger and toenails trimmed and cleaned, ears cleaned, a good teeth brushing and flossing from mom to ensure every inch is cleaned, etc)

3)No matter what time, before you lay your head down to rest, your bedroom MUST be clean. No exceptions. We even stuck to it on New Year's when we got home around 1 a.m. 

4)Make your bed every morning when you leave it. (We haven't officially started this one yet, but now that school has begun after winter break, it will begin soon!)

5) No matter whose bedroom it is, or how messy it gets, if you were playing in there at any point during the day, you WILL help clean it at Bedtime Cleanup. Showing respect for one another and their belongings and areas is a BIGGIE in this home.

6) Remember if you clean up what you mess up when you're done, it'll be less mess up to clean up after the setting of the sun! :)

Of course the hubby and I are to abide by these rules as well. Hey, I'm not too proud to admit that sometimes I need my kiddos reminding me of the "family rules" to keep my room in order. It can get pretty bad in there. Our room is just like anything else in my life... my kiddos come first and my needs come later (if at all)... it's just the way of things around here so sometimes we need a little self discipline to really get our butts into gear to help keep the system going if it's going to work at all. And by lending the kiddos some responsibility in keeping mom and dad in check about the rules, they seem to be more willing to make sure they follow them too. At the very least we can use it as a tool to train our children on not pointing out the flaws of others when you're "house is just as messy". ;)

Anyway, here's to a great 2013!!! Happy New Year everyone and I hope this year boasts as many smiles and laughter as I can possibly stand!!

Until Next Time,   

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