Monday, August 3, 2009

All About Us!

To begin this, please allow me a moment to appreciate the past 12 years in a quick summary of all that has transpired that brings us to this moment in time... a chance to catch up the unknown, refresh the uninvolved, and reminisce with life-long friends. Bear with me.

It began on a hot summer day... I met my husband when I was 15 years old, immediately in love. It was then that I became a believer in the mythical "love at first sight". Truly from the moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew that this would be the man I would marry. God truly laid that on my heart and soul, and soon enough I was avidly praying for him on a daily, if not hourly, basis. And on August 29th, 1997, after I turned 16, my dreams, hopes, wishes, and prayers became a reality and our journey together began. Before we knew it, we were walking down the isle 2 years later, ready and willing to experience life as a unit, taking all the good and bad that came our way and battling life's battles at each other's side. A little over a year after we said "I do", our firstborn son, Justin, came along. He was everything I had hoped for and then some, the best child any 19 year old mother could ask for. Life was grand. When I was 23, my precious baby boy was diagnosed as Autistic/Asperger's Syndrome. It was definitely a battle that knocked the wind out of our chests, absolutely heartbreaking with the uncertainty of what lay in store for us. Months later our precious little girl, Asilyn, arrived. Life as we knew it became a little more complicated, as Asilyn was busy from the moment she opened her eyes. Very observant. Very... somber. I think some of you know exactly what I am talking about. She would look through you, and the older she got, the better she was at it. Not even the funniest of people could make this child laugh, with the exception of mom and dad of course. She was a ball of fun at home. So in dealing with our son's limitations, therapies multiple times a week and special schooling, and having a brand new baby, our schedules were as full as anyone would expect. And then 14 mos after Asilyn was born, we found out we were expecting again. Very unexpected, as it were. And 8mos later, Kailyn arrived. Bundles of energy and excitement from the moment she could hold her head up long enough to watch her "big sisi" run around and play, laughter in a high-pitch-squealing sense... she brought just that much more laughter to our household. As of now, my children are 8.9 yrs, 4.9 yrs, and 3 (this August). Now if you haven't figured it out by now, and if you happen to still be reading this, I think it is obvious what my next statement will be, and in fact the very purpose for this blog and in the URL we named it. Things became VERY busy...

It's not just about having three beautiful children, it's about my life as I know it, completely chaotic, unbelievably restless, yet undeniably satisfying. If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Everything that has brought us to this moment have been life lessons we will one day pass along to our children. I'm currently in the process of making memories here, for three wonderful children, that daily bring a smile to my face, a tear to my eye, a strange vein that pops out of my neck from time to time, and most importantly the greatest love I have ever felt on the face of this planet. And so, I begin... Keith Family Chaos. Come Join Our World...


1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to you blog post... This should be fun! :)
