Thursday, August 6, 2009

Butterflies & Blue Skies!

What a wonderfully long day it's been today! Luckily, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the girls had a blast chasing butterflies in the front yard. It amazes me, their imaginations so vibrant, their speech so intelligent. Asilyn is ridiculous. The words she has used this week and surprisingly in context has just floored Tommy and I. "Concentrate" is probably one of her favorites, as well as "horrible" and "infection". The last two, yeah probably from me. ;) And Kailyn, bless her little beautiful soul, loves Asilyn so much and wants to be like her in every way, will copy everything she says. I truly love hearing my 3 year old tell me that I need to "be quiet because I can't concentrate! I'm busy right now!" And I do mean that in the most sarcastic tone I can muster. :) Anyway, I do enjoy a lovely day outside, because more times than not, the girls are playing well together, my tan gets a little bit deeper, and the neighborhood couldn't be more quiet now with all the kids in school. And not to mention one very important fact, with the kids outside, the inside is left untouched. Can I get an Amen?! Being outside in nature is my way of decompressing.

Which brings me to my next thought. Something that has NEVER happened before in my life prior to this day. And in fact, with the exception of butterfly house tours, I don't know anyone who has experienced this. But on this day, I had a visit from a beautiful butterfly. I watched it awkwardly flutter around me, trying to see a closer glimpse of it's colorful beauty. And before I knew it, this butterfly landed on my toe. Don't laugh. I watched in amazement at how I could barely feel this tiny creature on my toe, yet here it was, just looking at me from the position it had taken. About 3-4 minutes it jumped up and fluttered off as I sat astonished that I was just visited by one of God's most delicate creatures. And during that brief thought, it came back!!! But this time landed right on my hand. So I sat with her, talked to her for nearly half an hour as she fluttered her wings brilliantly for me. Just in awe of how interested she was in me, if not more than I was in her. But it wasn't long before she was scared off... *cough~girls~cough*. I managed to snap a million pics and a video of her, because after all we're talking 30 minutes! So I posted a couple of the better non-fuzzy ones below.

And my lesson for today? Sometimes, it doesn't take a megaphone or sounding alarm for God to catch my attention, sometimes all it takes is a small flutter and a gentle touch. And I found that it is in those quiet "awe-like" moments that I get the most gratification, that even though I may not "feel" it, He's still there, watching and listening. And just knowing that, understanding that regardless of how busy our life is as I'm making memories for my children, He still takes moments like this to create memories for me! Hope you all have a great night! PS. Sorry my toes were dirty (walking outside without shoes on) and the butterfly wouldn't allow me the opportunity to clean them prior to picture taking!

Until another moment,


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