Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Typical Day!

Now that you've been filled in on the past 12 years... more or less, I'd like to relive my "yesterday" today, the very reason that inspired me to create this blog in the first place. My typical day, as of the start of the school year has been waking up at 6 a.m., getting the kids up and driving a 30 min drive (one-way) to take Justin to school. (I'll fill you in about that in another post). Then we come home and it's breakfast for the girls, usually an early morning phone chat with one of my girlfriends while the kids are eating. Then my morning typically consists of a daily load of dishes, a load of laundry (or two depending on the time of the week), a quick cleaning of the girls rooms and bathrooms while the girls are usually squealing and playing.

Ok so that is a quick synopsis of pre-naptime activities. Now what I have NOT told you is what the "squealing and playing" being had by my daughters is consisted of. Yesterday for instance, Asilyn apparently snuck some dry erase markers out of my bedroom while I was cleaning it - so literally right behind my back - and took them into my living room and decided to color... on my walls, on my furniture, on her SISTER! (Yes I have pics, posted beneath this post). As I walk into my living room doing my normal "kid-check" I find Kailyn sitting ever so still as Asilyn is drawing an image on her forehead in blue dry erase marker. Oh the enjoyment on her face as she skillfully drew circles on her dear little sisters face, and the welled up aggravation in my mine... and then Kailyn turned around. Barely containing my laughter is putting it nicely. My daughter... is a smurf. And the look of uneasy-headed for certain disaster-looks on both their faces as they watched me intently, waiting for my next move, trying to discern whether now would be a good time to run, I quickly grabbed my phone, snapped a couple pics of Kailyn and immediately went into my daily... no, hourly rant! I think my daughters have grown accustomed to hearing the words "I can't get anything done with you guys! Everytime! I'm tired of it!" and will readily admit that I have heard the exact same words come from both their mouths periodically. Although it's humorous, I know that it's necessary for them to be disciplined despite the fact that I couldn't keep the smile from my lips as I'm scrubbing foreheads. The aggravation came when it wouldn't come off the walls. Thats when discipline is easiest.

As I began my new task of scrubbing walls instead of toilets, I noticed everything else my pretty little girls were up to in the 15 minutes I was otherwise engaged... my drink (always my drink) was on my kitchen floor (not in it's container, mind you... no, literally, Coke Zero, on the floor), and toys.... o m g the toys. So my lessons for the day; dry-erase marker does not come off of my green living room walls, slightly comes off the khaki hallway walls but not entirely, and easily off of skin and furniture. :) That, again, all markers, pens, pencils, and any marking utility should be locked away with a dead bolt. That quite possibly if it was WATER I was drinking, the girls would not be so quick to drink it and/or spill it. AND that I need to get rid of some toys, FOR REAL! Life is always an adventure with these two... they make Justin look easy-going and laid-back, and if it's ever quiet in my house, they are sleeping, sick, or up to no good! ;) I love them to death no matter what they do... always! Now on to pictures...

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